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Support Group

SCMHC Program Area One:

Build effective evidence-based programs that decrease minority health disparities. 

SCMHC Community Health Worker Programs

SCMHC is guided by the need for community-based equitable services for minority and low-income residents. SCMHC CHW values, core competencies, and service delivery models will take center stage. SCMHC has a mission and vision to bring forward comprehensive, community-based services throughout SC communities that will lead to major changes in existing service delivery systems and the current community landscape that could alter conventional hierarchies and inequitable systems of care.

The SCMHC Community Health Worker Programs will lead the way forward toward successfully collaborating and integrating evidence-based interventions that include standards of practice, implementation guidelines, program evaluation and expected outcomes, and community health worker presence into the operating structures, systems, and work of SC community's existing hospitals, clinics, healthcare providers, CBOs, schools, and faith-based organizations in service to the community members who continue to experience serious social and health inequities. The SCMH Community Health Worker Framework is designed to promote new opportunities and standards of care for community well-being.

The SCMHC models are true community-based Community Health Worker interventions, led by CHWs who will reach out and work directly with community members on the ground, right where they are, to build capacity, educate, and connect residents with health insurance, clinics and medical homes, and many other critical resources such as stable and affordable housing, living wage job resources, education, food and nutrition, and transportation that are needed in the SC communities we will serve. We will rebuild and transform community connections in the spaces in which the people live while at the same time, promote community coalitions seeking self-determined outcomes.


SCMHC Program Area Two:

Minority Health Coalitions that build capacity through collective efforts, partnerships & technical assistance with residents and community-based organizations across the state to increase equitable health and social outcomes using a SDOH livable wages, access to good education, quality healthcare, housing, transportation, public safety) framework.

Minority Health Coalitions in Counties Across the State of South Carolina


  • How can organizations stop being a barrier to equitable systems and structures? What can be done collectively?

  • Creating alliances to advance equitable outcomes for low-wealth communities

  • Build skills to understand and address the root causes of health and social inequities

  • Community based critical conversations that explain historical policies, discriminatory practices and power dynamics that have fueled current structural inequities

  • Examine the importance of addressing systemic racism

  • Understand and utilize a health equity lens in policy development and service delivery

  • How can residents be at the table for multiple system policy decision-making?

  • Realigning systems of care

  • Support and partner with nontraditional and innovative organizational models that advance equity through SDOH framework

  • Share resources that build cultural competency & quality care models

  • Share tools, resources, skills, and relationships that build effective organizational infrastructure and collective goals

  • Seek shared funding opportunities

Youth Conference

SCMHC Program Area Three:

Systems change training and technical assistance with government, community based organizations, health care systems and for-profit organizations. 

Systems Change Training  and Technical Assistance


  • Offer organizational consultation to design customized recommendations, strategies &  systems change plans and frameworks

  • Target changes in policies, procedures, practices, and organizational systems.

  • Reflect on “who benefits” from existing systems and services

  • Reconceptualize organizational programs and services utilizing an equity lens

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